Great flash project but..
I think this project was awesome but.. I don't think it belongs here in the flash portal but great work anyway
Great flash project but..
I think this project was awesome but.. I don't think it belongs here in the flash portal but great work anyway
I understand what you mean by it not belonging here but as we speak Awesome Video Games is on the front page so I thought Why Not?
I just loved it.
The animation the weapon design and the music but one little problem there were very few sound effects like all the bullet sounds well It was one though.
Anyway great I wanna see more of this...
lol why thank you t4tr
I laughed my ass of rofl!! Well know I know how it feels to be popular xD
And when you clicked on kick ass lol hadoket !! and some japanes thingies in the end lolz and the DBZ fininsh ?? Well I forgave her lol
Blah, I don't hate DBZ. But there's enough DBZ styled combat flashes out there to make anyone sick.
Kinda fun Iin the end and this flash is awesome! And in the beginning when those mungos watched at the girl with the big boobs lolz !!!
^^ yeah. a friend told me, i should give her some space-bra. so i will fix it. and i guess the next episode should got more nude scenes=? forget about :P
I loved everything except the music with all the screaming though so I muted the sound ; P
´But I want a longer and more epic fight like with fists and guns or something like that !
Anyway good work !
Yeah, I get that type of music feedback a lot.
Im hoping to change the music if I get a chance to.
It made me remeber the whole flash year and everything gave me a little bt of a touch there very good work =D
I'm glad this piece achieved it's goal :3
Cool but o_0 dont lite butts dont you lol xD
Cool tutorial but what program do I need to make all of this I know its not Paint lol...
Could you teach me step by step like on msn or something how to do please ? Thank you if you want to help me then I will put you in the credits and on the author comment and It will be my first flash ! :D
I shall PM you and tell you step by step.
Thank you for the ratings!
Where the hell did those guys came from and who is Monica Bellouchi he is !! LOL
I laughed so hard when I saw it. Well at the beggining i expected that this would be a serious movie ,
But ive would never ever expect it would end up like this lol..
Hahah that's all good :P
Really glad it made you laugh :)
Happy new year!
Well what do I have to say...Im not a flash artist but I wanna learn but I suck so I gave up :P!! Now you might wonder what I am doing here on Newgrounds well when I was young i found a (bla bla bla Spongebob Teletubbies anime blah blah)Thats all folks!
Age 30, Male
8th grade ??
Stockholm, Sweden
Joined on 12/18/04